Since I was a little bitty Battgirl, I have always LOVED music of all kinds. My parents always had the music playing on the weekends and I was introduced to so many genres & styles through the years. This and my love for writing have made me into the avid music lover I am today. I also LOVE to see live concerts, musicians playing their art, writers singing their words, listeners taking it in...I love ALL that!
So here is where I will give my thoughts on music, old & new. I will also post concert/ CD thoughts and pictures when I can. I buy MOST concert tickets to the shows you will read about here. I do go to some free shows, but those would be free to all attendees. I, or a family member, has bought & paid for any FULL CD's I might review here as well. Anytime I am given tickets or music complimentary I will definitely note so for the post.
Let there be NO worries, I will have plenty of "radio rants" here as well. Let me explain what a radio rant is for you. I, like many of you, find myself tapping my toe to songs that I don't really get lyrically just because the beat is good. I understand this, I actually embrace it, to a degree. But I also think radio overlooks SO many talented artists and REALLY good music to play us some fluff to tap our toe to. So occasionally I will rant about this music I have NOT purchased but hear on the air waves, see on TV, etc.
My musical taste is as wide as the grandest canyon, but I do love my Rock n Roll the most. I also like pop, Metal, R & B, Rap, & even country. About all I don't do is the elevator music. ;) I always have music playing and my www.Blip.FM stream is posted here for your enjoyment. I am also a member of the online community at and blip for them Mondays & Wednesdays. So enjoy my take on the tune sand...RAWK ON!