Monday, November 14, 2011

Cavo Drops EP Sounds from the Hollow

Friday I was delivered wonderful news that CAVO had announcement coming TODAY (Monday Nov.14, 2011) and it WAS new music! Cavo has released the single "Thick as Thieves" which fans received via their Facebook page as a free download. "Sounds from the Hollow" begins with that, which has already become a fave of mine. What I love most about Cavo is ALL in this EP, Casey's flawless vocals and Pookee's hard hitting bass lines will NOT disappoint.
The second song, "Live Without It" is a grab you by the throat love song, but NOT a ballad. The lyrics are sang with passion and pull you right in. Third on the EP, "Hold Your Ground" is one of those pump you up, amp up tunes. Has Chad thumping those drums fiercely. It definitely goes on my workout warm-up playlist! In CAVO fashion we do get a power ballad called "Identity" that has Chris laying out some soulful guitar licks, bluesy and RIGHT up my alley. The last is an acoustic version of "Thick as Thieves" which gives the song a whole different feel, in my opinion.
So the WHOLE EP is worth a listen, and a worthy investment. If you aren't a CAVO fan, I suggest give it a listen and catch these guys at a show. They NEVER disappoint, and Battgirl approves, as well. What more do you need you know?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daughtry announces CD Release Date and a NEW tune!

The guys of Daughtry have made no secret that they have been laying down music & working in the studio. Suddenly yesterday both Chris and Josh Paul announced the release date on twitter...NOVEMBER 12TH 2011. They later linked to and an online listen of the free single "RENEGADE" you get if you pre-order CD. I have yet to catch the name for the CD, but can't wait for it, regardless!

Also, I might also mention Daughtry has a cover of "Waitin For the Bus/ Jesus Just Left Chicago" coming on the ZZ Top Tribute Album "A Tribute From Friends" on October 11th.

Then they will also have a song on the Batman: Arkham City - The Album, being released October 4th, titled "Drown In You". Since Chris is such a HUGE Batman fan, I am sure he was completely amped about this!

Staind Self-Titled Release 2011~Back to the Roots!

Alright no need to beat around the bush, the CD sure doesn't! Over the past 7 weeks there have been online streams, much promotion and buzz about Staind's newest release, simply titled "Staind". I love the idea this album is self-titled, as it seems the band has taken it back to their heavier roots (which I MUCH appreciate), making this simple self title SO appropriate.

As always, the songs lyrics are SO on point, no word seems to be out of place on the ENTIRE CD. I have always appreciated Staind's work with words, and this CD is no exception. From the angst, to the pain, it's all in this release. I have been listening to it heavily for several days now, and I am loving Mike's guitar work. The band as a whole seems SO in sync and Aaron sounds as good as ever!

As I was "on the twitter" (my non tweeps love to say this) I saw this tweet from Brandon Woolum @woolum stating...
"The new Staind CD is streaming. About 5 solid heavier songs, love it! I wish Aaron had made a country CD years ago"
I couldn't get the thought out of my head, that was as well as I could have stated ANYTHING about this CD.  If you still have question that this is not the harder Staind we all grew to love in the days of Dysfunction... I suggest you get this CD and give Paper Wings a listen.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Drowning Pool at The Valarium

Having seen Drowning Pool the last time they came to The Valarium here in Knoxville, I was stoked to get the chance to do it again. I waited in line with MANY others in ridiculous heat, and after finally getting in the door, what do I spy with my little eye? The guitarist for Drowning Pool, C. J. Pierce's cute little ponytail over behind the souvenir table! Well, didn't take me long to decide this would be a GREAT time to get me a t-shirt, as I could see he was signing them. So I jet over and wait behind a couple of girls, as giddy as I, myself was. They get their items, and snag a picture...MY TURN! I grab some shirts and autographed CD, pose for my picture, which didn't turn out.
 I was so sad for me, but my shirts were signed by C. J., and the CD signed by the band. So I decide to be thankful & just move along. The first opening band, Echoes the Fall was a good band, pumped the crowd up well, so I wasn't disappointed. I realized as they were finishing their set, that C. J. was still peddling the merchandise and the table wasn't crowded. I made my way across a crowded floor, avoiding the spillage from the many VERY HAPPY fans & attendees. I politely asked him, if I could get another pic, as the first one didn't take. He so kindly obliged and it is a GREAT pic...of him. But moreover, I was impressed that this guy stayed behind the merchandise table for all of the entire opening sets. He was so friendly, and seemed to be really enjoying mingling with the Knoxville crowd. Just seemed like a genuinely nice, hard working guy.
The next opener was a band called Kyng from LA, and for a 3 man band, this band hit hard. That is the one thing I remember standing out to me as they tore through their set. Next up was Burn Halo and at this point I am thoroughly happy with ALL the opening bands and banging my head. I believe it was during Burn Halo's set when "The Pit" attempted to form for a minute. Since I am too old, and too short, I moved away from that activity.
Now Drowning Pool is taking the stage, and the VERY HAPPY attendees stumbled to the floor to join the rest of us for an awesome set! I was even showered with some VERY HAPPY attendees full beer on the backs of legs and my feet. Alcohol soaked feet is always a sign of a great concert! They played old and new stuff, including Tearing Away. After which they seemed to point to the sky in honor Dave Williams, Drowning Pool's original frontman. So after seeing this band a second time, I will anxiously await my third!
Drowning Pool's Current Frontman Ryan McCombs
                                Stevie Benton on the BASS!
                                Ryan enjoying a Jagerbomb!
                                C. J. Pierce rocking the guitar, WELL!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Town Line ~Aaron Lewis

Town Line is the debut solo album from Staind's frontman, Aaron Lewis. Really more of an EP, consisting of five country (yes you heard this right) songs, released March 1, 2011 on Stroudavarious Records Label. I say 5 tracks, because "Country Boy" is on this CD 3 acoustic, radio version and the original featuring George JonesCharlie Daniels, and Chris Young and happened to be the first single released December of 2011.
The first song "The Story Never Ends" seems like a radio friendly country/rock song with a message that runs through the whole album. The message I get..."Stay true to your roots," a message I can get behind. I was tapping the toe. Next, "Vicious Circles" which lyrically I loved. Let me state here, that his "country" lyrics are just as passionate and thoughtful as his "rock" lyrics, he does not disappoint in this department. Onward to "Country Boy", which is a typical southern country/rock tune about being a proud, slightly rebellious American, and more stick to your roots punctuation. Gives you that Hank Jr. or Charlie Daniels vibe. I would compare this to Kid Rock Born Free evolution. "Country Boy" leads you into a "Countrified" version of Staind's "Tangled Up In You" and transfers well to the Country genre, in my opinion. Last (not counting alternate versions) is a sweet little tune called "Massachusetts", where Lewis was raised and lives. See the "stick to your roots" theme I spoke of?
Overall the EP is a great listen, melodic with meaningful lyrics. Those who are looking for the heavier side of Lewis maybe surprised by the tenderness of the new songs, some may even reject his crossover attempt. I personally enjoy both sides of Aaron Lewis.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Musical Thoughts

Since I was a little bitty Battgirl, I have always LOVED music of all kinds. My parents always had the music playing on the weekends and I was introduced to so many genres & styles through the years. This and my love for writing have made me into the avid music lover I am today. I also LOVE to see live concerts, musicians playing their art, writers singing their words, listeners taking it in...I love ALL that!
So here is where I will give my thoughts on music, old & new. I will also post concert/ CD thoughts and pictures when I can. I buy MOST concert tickets to the shows you will read about here. I do go to some free shows, but those would be free to all attendees. I, or a family member, has bought & paid for any FULL CD's I might review here as well. Anytime I am given tickets or music complimentary I will definitely note so for the post.
Let there be NO worries, I will have plenty of "radio rants" here as well. Let me explain what a radio rant is for you. I, like many of you, find myself tapping my toe to songs that I don't really get lyrically just because the beat is good. I understand this, I actually embrace it, to a degree. But I also think radio overlooks SO many talented artists and REALLY good music to play us some fluff to tap our toe to. So occasionally I will rant about this music I have NOT purchased but hear on the air waves, see on TV, etc.
My musical taste is as wide as the grandest canyon, but I do love my Rock n Roll the most. I also like pop, Metal, R & B, Rap, & even country. About all I don't do is the elevator music. ;) I always have music playing and my www.Blip.FM stream is posted here for your enjoyment. I am also a member of the online community at  and blip for them Mondays & Wednesdays. So enjoy my take on the tune sand...RAWK ON!