Having seen Drowning Pool the last time they came to The Valarium here in Knoxville, I was stoked to get the chance to do it again. I waited in line with MANY others in ridiculous heat, and after finally getting in the door, what do I spy with my little eye? The guitarist for Drowning Pool, C. J. Pierce's cute little ponytail over behind the souvenir table! Well, didn't take me long to decide this would be a GREAT time to get me a t-shirt, as I could see he was signing them. So I jet over and wait behind a couple of girls, as giddy as I, myself was. They get their items, and snag a picture...MY TURN! I grab some shirts and autographed CD, pose for my picture, which didn't turn out.

I was so sad for me, but my shirts were signed by C. J., and the CD signed by the band. So I decide to be thankful & just move along. The first opening band,
Echoes the Fall was a good band, pumped the crowd up well, so I wasn't disappointed. I realized as they were finishing their set, that C. J. was still peddling the merchandise and the table wasn't crowded. I made my way across a crowded floor, avoiding the spillage from the many VERY HAPPY fans & attendees. I politely asked him, if I could get another pic, as the first one didn't take. He so kindly obliged and it is a GREAT pic...of him. But moreover, I was impressed that this guy stayed behind the merchandise table for all of the entire opening sets. He was so friendly, and seemed to be really enjoying mingling with the Knoxville crowd. Just seemed like a genuinely nice, hard working guy.
The next opener was a band called
Kyng from LA, and for a 3 man band, this band hit hard. That is the one thing I remember standing out to me as they tore through their set. Next up was
Burn Halo and at this point I am thoroughly happy with ALL the opening bands and banging my head. I believe it was during Burn Halo's set when "The Pit" attempted to form for a minute. Since I am too old, and too short, I moved away from that activity.
Now Drowning Pool is taking the stage, and the VERY HAPPY attendees stumbled to the floor to join the rest of us for an awesome set! I was even showered with some VERY HAPPY attendees full beer on the backs of legs and my feet. Alcohol soaked feet is always a sign of a great concert! They played old and new stuff, including Tearing Away. After which they seemed to point to the sky in honor
Dave Williams, Drowning Pool's original frontman. So after seeing this band a second time, I will anxiously await my third!
Drowning Pool's Current Frontman Ryan McCombs
Stevie Benton on the BASS!
Ryan enjoying a Jagerbomb!
C. J. Pierce rocking the guitar, WELL!
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